Saturday, September 17, 2016

Physicians as part of the cure

Peter still has ups and downs with liver health and nutrition absorption, but overall he is doing fairly well. One of these days I'll update the health issues, but he is well enough that things are busy in a good way, leaving the writing of updates on the computer as low priority. It did seem worthy of logging on today to post the following though.

St. Hildegard is one of the saints of the day today. Per the site,  :
"... St. Hildegard of Bingen [was] a visionary and mystic in medieval Germany....  On the question of illness she has these wise words to say: ‘The best of all remedies remains the doctor’s compassion and his participation in the suffering’."

Upon reading the quote, it struck me again how special are Drs. Kamin, Puder, Jennings, Kim, Fawaz, and several other dedicated physicians that Peter has had along the way. They possess a compassion and a willingness to participate in the lives of their patients, which transcend patient care beyond medicine. They don't shelf patient care once we have left the office, but continue to think and work on solutions to improve Peter's quality of life. Their dedication to patients and families is remarkable, and we have been blessed to have them in our lives!