Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Feeds. Gtube, and more toddlerhood

We are up to 40 mL per feed, five times a day!! We bumped up the kefir too, with 10mL in the morning, and 10mL at night. The G tube has been clamped for a solid 60 hours now and he is tolerating this change beautifully.

Labs drawn today show a hemoglobin at 10.6 and hematocrit of 34.0 which is a normal hematocrit AGAIN. Platelets are 83. We didn't get liver numbers, but he looks good and acts good, so we'll assume all is well.

Peter has started trying to stand while he is in the highchair and in the stroller if we don't heed his call to take him out as soon as he deems he should be allowed to get out. We are now adding on the "extra" straps that go over the shoulders to keep him better secured in the highchair. I don't have that option with the stroller. Fortunately he can't scale the crib yet.

He can't stand the word "no" and behaves as if it is a challenge for him to attempt harder. I am sure that those of you with toddler experience know well of what I am speaking about. Hopefully we are not far from a stage of greater reason and aggreeability where we can tell him to stay still while I am accessing his PICC line and he will cooperate and stay still instead of trying to grab the line, or where we can say let's fix that and he will let us fix the dressing versus trying to rip it off. (You can stop laughing now. I know he is a toddler, but I can hope!)

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