Thursday, July 7, 2011

Reciting the alphabet - forwards and backwards

Peter will be six on November first, so he is only five years and eight months old. Tonight he recited the entire alphabet BACKWARDS! He has long known the entire alphabet and the phonic sounds associated with each letter, but out of the blue he started with Z and went all the way to A consecutively, without missing a letter. Wow!

Peter lost his fifth baby tooth a few days ago. So far, all four bottom front permanent teeth are brown from tip to botton. I can't tell what color the new top front tooth will be, but had a glimpse of white when brushing his teeth tonight, a brief moment of excitement, and then realized that it was only toothpaste, not the new tooth. We continue to wait and prayerfully hope that the other permanent teeth will be white, or at the very least, not MORE discolored than the baby teeth are.

Peter can now swing on the monkeybars.  He hangs on one bar and swings back and forth from that one bar a couple of times, but he is propelling himself, not screaming in fear, and is rightly proud of his new feat.  One of these days, I'll post that he can finally jump... perhaps a video to go with that one!

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