Saturday, October 1, 2011

Day 23

Peter had his scope yesterday afternoon and extubated well.  Dr. Kamin is still not entirely sure what caused the bleed, but banded some newly-enlarged varicose veins in Peter's esophagus in case they were the cause.   He scoped as far into the small bowel as he could and as far up the ileostomy as he could, and did not see any other areas likely as cause.  Peter has been on an octreotide drip and a pantoprazole drip since we came to the ICU with the bleed, and they will be weaned off shortly. 

The surgical incisions are improving slowly, and there is still one area that is being watched carefully.  We'll be here for a little while longer to keep watch with both the bleeding and the incision healing, but overall the news seems postive.  The plan is to move back to the regular floor tomorrow.  Peter is in very good spirits and increasingly playful. 

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