Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Boston Children's Hospital blog

We were asked if we would be willing to write a little bit on what life is like with a child on TPN and share it with Boston Children's Hospital for posting on their blog site.  The hospital has an editor who worked with us in drafting the piece, and we are happy with how it came out.  It was hard to focus just on the TPN aspect of Peter's care at Children's and there were many drafts trying to tease that out.  It was difficult keeping a brief list of those who have helped Peter over the years.  There are so many great nurses and doctors at the hospital and we are incredibly grateful for the care Peter has received.  In the end, we did focus on the CAIR team since the piece is really about Peter's TPN.

Dr. Raphael, who is the Director of the home parenteral nutrition (TPN) team, thought that it would be helpful for parents who are new to TPN to have a glimpse at another family who has a child on TPN.  I don't know if this will accomplish that goal, but know that I would have liked finding something like it when we first started Peter on TPN.   

Anyway, here is the blog URL:  The title was chosen by the editor. TPN is labor-intensive, yes... but we all have labor-intensive things we do for our children or other family members, healthy or otherwise. 

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