Peter is moving on to toddler activities such as coloring. We are at a point now (August, despite the pics being from July) where we are able to get him out more and HE is now enjoying it more. It is heartening to see Peter feeling so good and wanting to do more and more things.

Do you see what is peeking out of Peter's shorts? Peter wears two ostomy bags - one for a mid-abdominal fistula and one for his ileostomy. They unfortunately are exposed during shorts season when Peter sits down. See below for a great solution!

I purchased two fabric ostomy bag covers online made by another mom whose child has an ostomy. Peter is wearing a navy blue one here and it really isn't too obviousm covering up what otherwise it quite obvious and rather a bit of a put-off to see poking out of his shorts. This mother's son uses the cover bag so that he can wear his ostomy bag over a pair of shorts. Peter's torso still isn't long enough where we can go to shorts and a shirt, but the cover bags also work well under a onepiece outfit like Peter wears. If you are interested in these bags, we found them at Gus Gear (www.gusgear.net). So far they have held up very well. Peter likes having the ostomy bags covered when we are out too... especially the one with zoo animals on it.