Saturday, January 9, 2010

Increased outputs and formula changes

We are back to Elecare from Vital Jr in effort to see if Peter is having some intolerance to Vital Jr. Peter's fistula and ileostomy outputs have drifted up over the last couple of months, and he has had 3 bouts of really high outputs with 2 needing him to go on Pedialyte for 2 or 4 days until it settled out. We were emptying his fistula bag every 1 to 2 hours at some points!

The other questions as to why his outputs have gone up so dramatically would be whether he is having bacterial overgrowth (SBBO)or if this is an anatomical change. We see that the fistula's output is consistently higher than the ileostomy over the last few months, but that did not occur anywhere near the timing of the gastrostomy repair which ended the stomach losses. Peter doesn't display his SBBO symptoms from the past though, so hard to say it is that. We did withhold his probiotics for two separate weeks in December, so it could be overgrowth. We are adding kefir and daily plain Stonyfield yogurt to his diet to assist with the usual probiotics in the event that he needs an extra boost of probiotic. Peter's history of reactions to enteral antibiotics for SBBO keeps us all hesitant to treat him empirically with a round or two of antibiotics. If anyone wants to know what he uses, we are still on VSL#3 and florastor, rotating one week on one and one week on the other, usually without a break between.

The good news seems to be that with the caloric decline that occurred by going back on 26 calorie Elecare from 30 calorie Vital Jr and by decreasing the volume from 950 to 650 per day, is that Peter is HUNGRY! He is remarkably interested in nibbling on crackers now, and as such is working on his feeding skills without prompting. And, although he has lost about two pounds with the diarrhea and with the reduction in calories, his new-found hunger may be showing us that his gut has been working well absorbing Vital Jr all along, despite the increased outputs.

Because he has lost weight, is showing us that he is hungry, and is continuing to slow down with his fistula output, we are going up in Elecare volume over the next few days. Hopefully he will regain the weight and keep the fistula output down. We will reassess where he is when back up in Boston.

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