Saturday, July 17, 2010

Some new photos, finally

Peter has had a love for violins for the last year or more.
Seeing a violin stops him dead in his tracks and he will then
declare that he sees one and insist that you also verify it is such.
We decided that it was time to go ahead and get him one. 
Now we need to find a violin teacher!

This summer (2010) Peter has truly enjoyed the outdoors so
much more than he did last summer.  His tolerance for
heat is vastly improved and he is able to spend long amounts of
time outside.  His passion this summer is
blowing bubbles... over and over again. 
He looks for shapes in what he has blown as well: 
an Elmo head, Ten apples up on top, a bear claw...

This is Peter with his contagious grin.  It was taken in January 2010,
when his ascites was at its absolute lowest. 
With his ascites (intentionally) up very high right now,
his cheeks are very large and his face is overall puffier. 
Puffy face or not,
that smile is as genuine as they come.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Kathryn,

Peter is just too amazing for words as are you and Chris and your family. I want to take the picture of him with a grin and put it somewhere I can see it everyday. I look in those sweet eyes and I see Jesus looking back at me. In how you guys take care of him and your family, I see Jesus taking care of people in need. Peter will always be in our prayers and I believe will always amaze us. And I believe your family with your hope, cheerfulness, and determination will always inspire us. We hope to see you guys soon and to blow some bubbles with Mr. Peter. Maybe he and Susannah can play the violin together too.

God bless you all,

P.S. Can we come visit you guys in Holland? Italy isn't always that great and I would like to make the best of Holland with you. :) Thank you for sharing that. What a neat article. It is really incredible everything you guys have been through. Your blog is such a blessing that everyone can read about it all. I don't know how you keep up with it Kathryn. God must have known you can do it and is helping you through. We love you guys!